¿Sabías que las últimas estadísticas aportan que en España sólo un 40% de la población mayor de 15 años práctica algún deporte o ejercicio físico?. ¡¡Sólo un 40%!! ¿No os resulta realmente poco?
Es cierto que por desgracia no el 100% de la población tiene la facilidad por no decir capacidad, de realizar actividad física, sobre todo personas mayores que ya no están capacitadas físicamente y que al no tener la costumbre ni lo intentan ni lo quieren intentar. Aún así, cualquier persona sea cual sea su situación puede realizar ejercicio físico, por poco que sea. Pues practicar un poco de ejercicio físico a la semana, (que no al día sino a la semana) está al alcance de todos.
Específicamente, el 49,1% de los hombres practican ejercicio físico mientras que sólo el 31,1% de las mujeres realizar ejercicio físico (¡mujeres hay que moverse!). La mayoría de la población pues, no realiza ningún tipo de ejercicio físico, y eso que ahora existen miles de diversas practicas para todos los gustos. Entiendo que la mayoría son de un coste que no todo el mundo se puede permitir, pero también las hay bien gratuitas, pues una carrera, un paseo a buen ritmo o una excursión al monte, son actividades sencillas, sin necesidad de material especial y por lo tanto más que accesibles.
No es sorprendente que la franja de edad en la que más se práctica deporte sea de los 15 a los 24 años, con casi un 60%. No obstante, diría que es bastante lamentable que un 40% de jóvenes que están en plena flor de la vida no incluyan en sus actividades de ocio y pasatiempo, un mínimo de ejercicio físico, sabiendo el gran fenómeno social que es el deporte y lo influyente que se ha convertido en nuestra cultura y nuestro día a día.
Por otro lado y para terminar, quiero destacar que un 23,3% de población mayor de 55 años es practicante. Esta cifra debería ser mucho más alta, pues a partir de esa edad es precisamente cuando empieza a deteriorase nuestro organismo poco a poco, y es por ello que debemos seguir (o empezar, que nunca es tarde) realizando ejercicio físico, pues todos sabemos o deberíamos saber los múltiples beneficios que este tiene en nosotros, tanto en nuestro cuerpo, como en nuestra mente.
Did you know that the latest statistics provide that in Spain only 40% of the population over 15 years practice sports or exercise ?. Only 40% !! Do not you really find some?
True, unfortunately not 100% of the population has the facility if not capacity, physical activity, especially seniors who are no longer physically capable and that not having the habit do not try nor want to try. Still, anyone whatever their situation may physical exercise, however slightly. For practice a bit of exercise a week (not per day but a week) is available to everyone.
Specifically, 49.1% of men do physical exercises while only 31.1% of women physical exercise (women have to move!). Most people therefore does no exercise, and that there are now thousands of different practices for everyone. I understand that most are a cost that not everybody can afford, but there are also good free, as a career, a brisk walk or a hike on the mountain are simple activities, without special equipment and Therefore more accessible.
Not surprisingly, the age at which most practical sport is from 15 to 24 years, with almost 60%. However, I would say that it is rather unfortunate that 40% of young people who are in the prime of life did not include in their leisure and hobby, a minimum of exercise, knowing the great social phenomenon that is sport and influential which has become in our culture and our day to day.
Furthermore, and in conclusion, let me emphasize that 23.3% of the population over 55 years is practicing. This figure should be much higher, because from that age is precisely when our body begins to deteriorate gradually, and that is why we must continue (or begin, it is never too late) performing physical exercise, as we all know or should know the many benefits it has on us, both in body and in mind.
Did you know that the latest statistics provide that in Spain only 40% of the population over 15 years practice sports or exercise ?. Only 40% !! Do not you really find some?
True, unfortunately not 100% of the population has the facility if not capacity, physical activity, especially seniors who are no longer physically capable and that not having the habit do not try nor want to try. Still, anyone whatever their situation may physical exercise, however slightly. For practice a bit of exercise a week (not per day but a week) is available to everyone.
Specifically, 49.1% of men do physical exercises while only 31.1% of women physical exercise (women have to move!). Most people therefore does no exercise, and that there are now thousands of different practices for everyone. I understand that most are a cost that not everybody can afford, but there are also good free, as a career, a brisk walk or a hike on the mountain are simple activities, without special equipment and Therefore more accessible.
Not surprisingly, the age at which most practical sport is from 15 to 24 years, with almost 60%. However, I would say that it is rather unfortunate that 40% of young people who are in the prime of life did not include in their leisure and hobby, a minimum of exercise, knowing the great social phenomenon that is sport and influential which has become in our culture and our day to day.
Furthermore, and in conclusion, let me emphasize that 23.3% of the population over 55 years is practicing. This figure should be much higher, because from that age is precisely when our body begins to deteriorate gradually, and that is why we must continue (or begin, it is never too late) performing physical exercise, as we all know or should know the many benefits it has on us, both in body and in mind.
Autora: Sara Cucchi Candelas
Fuente: MECD. Consejo Superior de Deportes. Encuesta de Hábitos Deportivos en España
Estaría bien conocer los datos de otros países para comparar, así como los porcentajes de las personas que en esos países padecen las enfermedades que mejoran con el deporte. Solo con una buena campaña de concienciación por parte de los organismos públicos se podrá mejorar.
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