domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015

Escolares europeos// European students

¿Sabías que los escolares europeos practican deporte escolar porque es saludable y para estar con los amigos, y no por deseo de competir y ganar?

En un estudio realizado en los países de: España, Francia, Italia y Portugal a alumnos de primero de E.S.O. se ha visto que sus motivos para practicar deporte escolar están lejos de querer ganar y querer ser el mejor, si no que lo hacen por diversión y por amistad. 

Más abajo os dejo el artículo con el estudio llevado a cabo por la Universidad de Valladolid y publicado en la Revista Internacional de Sociología (RIS).

Did you know that European school practice school sports because it is healthy and to be with friends, and not by desire to compete and win?

In a study conducted in the following countries: Spain, France, Italy and Portugal to freshmen ESO we have seen that his motives for practicing school sports are far from wanting to win and wanting to be the best, if not do it for fun and friendship.

Bellow you have the report with the study conducted by the University of Valladolid and published in the International Journal of Sociology (RIS).

Autora: Sara C. C.


Fraile, A., & de Diego, R. (2006). Motivaciones de los escolares europeos para la práctica del deporte escolar. Un estudio realizado en España, Italia, Francia y Portugal. Revista internacional de sociología64(44), 85-109.

2 comentarios:

  1. Dear Sara Cucchi Candelas.
    I understand everything what you say. It's true that people in spain only jonined to a ,for example, a football team just from fiendship. But when they all know their friends, they compete just for winning and anyrhing else.

    That's ny humble opinión.

    Cheers Sara.

  2. Dear Sara Cucchi Candelas.
    I understand everything what you say. It's true that people in spain only jonined to a ,for example, a football team just from fiendship. But when they all know their friends, they compete just for winning and anyrhing else.

    That's ny humble opinión.

    Cheers Sara.
