¡Hola deportistas curiosos! Bienvenidos a nuestro primer blog "the curious athlete". En esta página encontraréis un poco de cada uno de nosotros...
Hello curious athletes! Welcome to our new blog "the curious athlete". In this page you will find a bit of each one of us...
Hello curious athletes! Welcome to our new blog "the curious athlete". In this page you will find a bit of each one of us...
Cristina Cantos Martínez
"Mi nombre es Cris, tengo 21 años y soy graduada en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, apasionada de las curiosidades, y sobretodo busco que el deporte, al igual que lo demás, este al alcance de todas las personas. Si quieres leer acerca del deporte para todo el mundo, ¡atento a mis entradas".
"I'm Cris, I'm a 21 year-old woman that are studying a career in Physical Education and Sports. I love curiosities, and above all I'm looking for sports within of the whole world. If you want to read about sport for all kind of people... pay attention to my writing!
"I'm Cris, I'm a 21 year-old woman that are studying a career in Physical Education and Sports. I love curiosities, and above all I'm looking for sports within of the whole world. If you want to read about sport for all kind of people... pay attention to my writing!
Sara Cucchi Candelas
"Hola a todos, soy Sara y al igual que mi compañera Cris, tengo 21 y estoy terminando la misma carrera. Desde bien pequeña el deporte ha formado parte de mi vida, y me gustaría poder disfrutar de ello siempre. Mis entradas serán sobre curiosidades generales que a todos nos pueden interesar, ¡No te las pierdas!".
"Hello everyone, I'm Sara, and like my colleague Cris, I'm 21 and I'm finishing the same university degree. Since I was a kid, sports have been part of my live, and I would like to keep enjoying it always. My writings, that I hope you like, will be about general curiosities that could interest everybody. Don't miss it!"
"Hola curiosos!! Me llamo Borja, a punto de ser graduado en CAFD. Si te gustan las nuevas tendencias de entrenamiento, curiosidades sobre el entrenamiento de fuerza y estar al día sobre los deportes colectivos, entre otras cosas, no dejarás de visitar este blog".
"Hello everyone, I'm Sara, and like my colleague Cris, I'm 21 and I'm finishing the same university degree. Since I was a kid, sports have been part of my live, and I would like to keep enjoying it always. My writings, that I hope you like, will be about general curiosities that could interest everybody. Don't miss it!"
Borja Gosalbez Tirado
"Hello curious!! My name is Borja, almost to be graduated in P.E. and sports. If you like sportnews, trends in training, curiosities about strength training and want to be trendy at team sports, among other things, you won't stop visiting this blog."
The curious athlete's team
Esperamos vuestras aportaciones al apasionante mundo del deporte.
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Qué gran equipo de profesionales del deporte, cada entrada que leo me parece más interesante. Gracias por aportar información que la mayoría de los deportistas amateurs desconocemos. Seguid así, gran trabajo.